
Scuba diving positive effects on human health

Diving relaxes you, while also raising your adrenaline level.

Scuba diving has a lot of health benefits. Although still considered as “dangerous sport” for the uninformed. Many fresh divers are unaware of the fact that diving can greatly improve human health. Therefore, we will point out eight striking health benefits you need to know.

Scuba diving is beneficial for the respiratory system

Breathing is slow and deep during scuba dive, especially for experienced divers. This also optimizes the air consumption of the diving tank. Slow and deep type of breathing has a beneficial effect on the lungs and allows for better air circulation through the pulmonary alveoli. It also reduces mucus production, and controlled breathing has a positive effect on the respiratory tract.

Diving is beneficial for the cardiovascular system

When we enter the water, our heart starts pumping blood faster (both because of adrenaline and difference in temperature). Since we dive in colder water than body temperature, peripheral blood vessels narrow to maintain the temperature of the vital organs. All this leads to a slight increase in blood pressure. So, the peripheral blood vessels expand after we emerge from the water and slow down the heartbeat. Leading to lower blood pressure and stabilization. Such a change has a positive effect on the balanced heartbeat and blood pressure. Yet, people with chronic hypertension (high blood pressure) and risk of heart disease are advised to consult a doctor before diving.

Scuba diving has a positive effect on muscles

Navigating through water is much harder than moving outside of water. Our muscles do some hard work during the dive, and this encourages them to develop new muscle fibers later to strengthen the body. As almost all muscles activate during a dive, the body develops proportionally well. And movement through the water increases the flexibility of the muscle fibers. You will not look like you are going to the gym and lifting heavyweights. But your body will significantly strengthen and gain fitness. An improvement in your physical appearance will be noticed.

Scuba diving is good for bones and joints

Diving is often associated with exposure to the sun before and after a dive. It is essential for Vitamin D, which helps in the absorption of calcium and the absorption of calcium between cells. Calcium is extremely important for bone health and strengthening.

Diving is good for the reproductive system (fertility)

The European Society for Human Reproduction and Embryology has confirmed the claims of Belgian investigator Dr. Frank Vandekerckhove. He claims that higher temperatures, lack of rain and much sun, improve fertilization results. Dr. Vandekerckhove claims that an increase in vitamin D levels is a key factor in increasing fertility. Also, sunlight exposure is known to be responsible for creating extra supplies of this vitamin. In today’s world where more and more men and women are struggling with infertility. Reproduction is encouraged by some medical methods. But exposure to the sun before and after diving is a very simple and natural way to stimulate fertility.

Diving brings you in shape

Divers are people prone to sports, so their fitness is generally satisfactory. Diving with heavy equipment and moving through the water improves the body’s fitness and maintains it’s level. Frequent and unpredictable changes in the sea currents and diving against it, need improved muscle, heart and lung function. Which further increases the body’s fitness for physical exertion.

Scuba diving improves your mental health

One of the interesting scuba diving health benefits phenomena is the positive effect of water on the brain. By immersion in water, we imitate the natural environment of the fetus in the womb. It is a condition that registers the brain as calm, safe and peaceful. It fosters a sense of well-being and happiness. Also, images of marine life and slow-motion underwater and natural beauty stimulate positive thoughts. The blue color is relaxing, while moderate exposure to sunlight (before dives and after dives) stimulates the production of endorphins (the hormone of happiness). Likewise, slow and deep breathing during a dive is similar to breathing while meditating. This reduces stress and encouraging positive thinking.

Diving has a positive effect on the social environment

Bring your friend to dive with you. Such bonding creates a sense of attachment and security. The wider dive society often changes and complements new people. Broadening perspectives and bringing people together and creating a sense of belonging. In terms of material, business, national, religious, and other social divisions, divers are a vibrant society. The whole community has the same background – the love of diving. It increases the sense of belonging and helps to create different bonds between people. Scuba diving contributes to a positive attitude towards the life and environment in which we operate. Remember how many interesting people you met because of the love of diving!

Of course, many will also question the possible detrimental impact of long-term diving on health and the potential risks!

For the health benefits of scuba diving, we recommend good training and adherence to all safe diving rules to avoid risky underwater situations. As for the detrimental impact of long-term diving on health. We should note that many professional and recreational divers with decades of experience do not have apparent health damage. This proves that safe diving has no negative effects on your health.

Scuba diving is healthy

Thanks for reading!

3 thoughts on “Scuba diving positive effects on human health”

  1. Interesting article. I didn’t know the details of all these health benefits, but I certainly notice a feeling of calm (mostly) when I’m diving, and much better breathing technique.

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